10 reasons you may need to hire a Kansas Workers Comp Attorney:

1.    Your claim has been denied, or benefits are delayed.

2.    Your employer claims your not covered by workers comp.

3.    You are cleared for work too quickly and still are hurting.

4.    You are not sure which doctor you need to see, or the employer isn’t sending you to a doctor.

5.    You feel like you cannot trust to company doctor, or they aren’t listening to your complaints.

6.    You have been asked to attend an Independent Medical Exam.

7.    You have a pre-existing condition.

8.    You develop symptoms gradually over time.

9.    Your employer fires you after you have been hurt.

10.  Your employer is not providing accommodating work, or honoring the treating physician’s restrictions.

If you need help- Call Cooper Law Office for a FREE consultation.